SingingCat 0
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Csc_firmware_apiThese are the callbacks available. the firmware "api". provided to the app on startup
 CsensorconfigDefinition of variable stuff for any one sensor this is seperate from runtime, because a copy will live in flash (cnw: err, no, not with a volatile pointer (*sensor)!!)
 CsensorruntimeRuntime data per sensor (in-ram)
 Csx126x_cad_param_sSX126X CAD parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_chip_status_sSX126X chip status structure definition
 Csx126x_mod_params_gfsk_sSX126X GFSK modulation parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_mod_params_lora_sSX126X LoRa modulation parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_pa_cfg_params_sSX126X power amplifier configuration parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_pkt_params_gfsk_sSX126X GFSK packet parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_pkt_params_lora_sSX126X LoRa packet parameters structure definition
 Csx126x_pkt_status_gfsk_sSX126X GFSK packet status structure definition
 Csx126x_pkt_status_lora_sSX126X LoRa packet status structure definition
 Csx126x_rx_buffer_status_sSX126X RX buffer status structure definition
 Csx126x_stats_gfsk_sSX126X GFSK reception statistics structure definition
 Csx126x_stats_lora_sSX126X LoRa reception statistics structure definition
 Cuserapp_infoThis must be implemented by the userapp, stored in flash at the beginning of the file (offset 0)