Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
► include | |
► coms | |
coms.h | |
► espressif | |
esp32_bluetooth.h | |
esp8266.h | |
esp8266_cloud.h | |
esp8266_flash.h | |
esp8266_flash_from_any_source.h | |
esp8266_flash_from_serialport.h | |
► metrics | |
metric_names.h | |
metrics.h | |
► nanopb | |
pb.h | |
pb_common.h | |
pb_decode.h | |
pb_encode.h | |
protobuf.h | |
► sensors | |
sensor.h | |
sensor_command.h | |
► sx1262 | |
sx1262.h | |
sx126x.h | SX126x radio driver definition |
sx126x_hal.h | Hardware Abstraction Layer for SX126x |
sx126x_regs.h | SX126x register definitions |
► umm_malloc | |
umm_malloc.h | |
umm_malloc_cfg.h | |
umm_malloc_cfgport.h | |
addressing.h | |
app_update.h | |
ascii_parser.h | |
baseinfo.h | |
boot_info.h | |
checksums.h | |
command-handler.h | |
command-parser.h | |
config.h | |
constants.h | |
crypt.h | |
decode_esp_packet.h | |
ds18b20crc.h | |
fatal-error.h | |
fets.h | |
flashapp.h | |
forwarding.h | Definitions of routing table structures |
function-instr.h | |
globals.h | |
hijack.h | |
irq_router.h | |
led.h | |
loader-api.h | |
logging.h | |
main-header.h | |
multiram.h | |
networkif.h | |
onewire.h | |
packetbuffer.h | |
partitions.h | |
powersave.h | |
powerup.h | |
queue.h | |
reboot.h | |
ringbuffer.h | |
route_command.h | |
routing_functions.h | Definitions of routing table structures |
sc_time.h | |
shifter.h | |
softirq.h | |
streams.h | |
strings-common.h | |
ti1101-pinconfig.h | |
ti1101-settings.h | |
ti1101.h | |
usb.h | |
user_app_exe.h | |
userconfig.h | |
wireless_state_machine.h | |
► src | |
► cc1101 | |
ti1101-pinconfig.c | |
ti1101.c | |
ti1101_netdev.c | |
► coms | |
decode.c | |
encoder.c | |
► espressif | |
esp32_bluetooth.c | |
esp8266.c | |
esp8266_cloud.c | |
esp8266_flash.c | |
esp8266_usb_flash.c | |
► metrics | |
metrics.c | |
► nanopb | |
buf_to_struct.c | |
pb_common.c | |
pb_decode.c | |
pb_encode.c | |
► sensors | |
sensor.c | Code to call all the sensors in the right frequency, with the correct configuration modify this file if you have new sensors! |
sensor_command.c | Code to manage sensors by server |
► sx1262 | |
bus.c | |
init_chip.c | |
irq.c | |
loop_chip.c | |
netdev.c | |
sx126x.c | SX126x radio driver implementation |
transmit.c | |
► umm_malloc | |
umm_info.c | |
umm_integrity.c | |
umm_malloc.c | |
umm_poison.c | |
addressing.c | |
app_update.c | |
ascii_parser.c | |
baseinfo.c | |
boot_info.c | Constants is a struct in a special RAM area which is not cleared on reset |
checksums.c | |
command-handler.c | Main command processor |
command-parser.c | Code to encode/decode commands to a serialized or in-ram format |
compat.c | |
config.c | |
constants.c | Constants is a struct in a special RAM area which is not cleared on reset |
crypt.c | |
decode_esp_packet.c | Packetizes streams from esp including escape/unescape |
delay.c | |
ds18b20crc.c | |
dummy-common.c | |
fatal-error.c | |
fets.c | Code to drive the fets |
flashapp.c | Handling of flash via streams |
forwarding.c | Code to forward to other nodes |
function-instr.c | |
hijack.c | |
irq_router.c | |
led.c | Code to make the pretty LED blink |
loader-api.c | |
logging.c | |
main.c | |
multiram.c | |
nic_manager.c | |
nic_registry.c | |
onewire.c | Code to interface via onewire. (uses bit-banging and timer) |
packetbuffer.c | Packetizes streams of data from radio or wifi |
partitions.c | |
ping.c | |
powersave.c | Code to manage sensors by server |
powerup.c | |
queue.c | Code to queue outbound commands. this is the "normal" way of sending out commands |
reboot.c | |
ringbuffer.c | |
route_command.c | |
routing.c | Code to discover other nodes |
sc_time.c | |
shifter.c | |
softirq.c | |
startup.c | |
streams.c | Handling of streams |
strings-common.c | |
usb.c | |
user_app_exe.c | User application interface |
userconfig.c | |
wireless_state_machine.c | |
► src-app | |
init.c | |
userapp_vector.c | |
userhooks.c | START HERE - definition of user hooks to implement additional functionality |
userhooks.h | |
► user-include | |
► sensors | |
sensor_dev.h | |
api_version.h | |
command.h | |
routing.h | Definitions of routing table structures |
sctime.h | |
user_app_info.h | User application interface |